Home > Changelog
- Uploaded a slightly enhanced minesweeper implementation in JS. You can access it from the home page
- The magic 8-ball was also moved to its own page
- Internal changes that'll make it less likely for scripts to jam
- Protip: avoid using innerHTML to add elements
- All text is slightly smaller now so pages don't look so cramped
- Did another massive overhaul to the art pages
- Only a single HTML file is used now. Information relating to the art, including descriptions and unofficial titles, are loaded from a series of JSON files instead.
- Editing the HTML should actually be convenient now.
- Art pages with transparent backgrounds look nicer on certain browsers now
- i.e. most common browsers except Safari
- Managed to make the attached images float side-by-side with the description text in some of the art pages
- Fixed one of the changelog dates (previously 2024-06-14, changed to 2024-06-15)
- For context, that update was applied late at night and the date had already rolled over
- You can now cycle through images in the art viewer without going back to the art gallery
- Cleaned the entire home after Seji threatened to whack me with a pillow if I didn't
- The magic 8-ball now has twice as many possible responses
- Also rephrased a very small number of the already existing ones
- Made the title actually look decent
- Added better navigation
- Apparently every website needs an 'about me' page. This website is no longer an exception.
- Linted all of my JS code
- Did a healthy (and frustrating) JS exercise in the form of a magic 8-ball... sort of thing
- Added an unfinished background
- At least it looks nicer than the solid greenish color that was being used before
- The title will have to remain ugly for now, though
- Did a massive backend overhaul. All pages are at least partly loaded via JS scripts now.
- This way I won't have to edit all of my 12 and counting art pages individually whenever I want to change the formatting
- If I did everything correctly, it should look like nothing's changed (except the other change introduced today, obviously).
- Gave the website an icon
- Added the very changelog that you're reading right now
- In true Imaginary World fashion, this changelog remembers events before its birth
- Nah, just kidding. I just looked some things up in post.
- Art descriptions now tell you when they were last updated. I think. Can't completely trust the last changed date of the files.
- Removed Herobrine
- The error page looks a lot nicer now
- Only I would go to such lengths for something so remote
- The website's font (Cascadia Code) should now display properly on all devices
- All of my displayed art has descriptions now
- Created the website
- Features an art gallery, and... um, yeah, that's about it